Configuration Guide

Configure Serverless OTLP Forwarder for your observability needs.


The Serverless OTLP Forwarder can be configured through:

  • AWS SAM CLI parameters during deployment
  • AWS CloudFormation template parameters
  • Persisted configuration in samconfig.toml

While you can use sam deploy --guided for interactive configuration, we recommend using samconfig.toml for reproducible deployments.

Configuration File

The samconfig.toml file allows you to persist your configuration:

version = 0.1
stack_name = "serverless-otlp-forwarder"
resolve_s3 = true
s3_prefix = "serverless-otlp-forwarder"
region = "us-west-2"
confirm_changeset = true
capabilities = "CAPABILITY_IAM"
parameter_overrides = [

The configuration file can be created automatically using sam deploy --guided and then modified as needed.

Parameter Reference

Core Parameters

ProcessorTypeStringotlp-stdoutProcessor type to use (otlp-stdout or aws-spans)
CollectorsSecretsKeyPrefixStringserverless-otlp-forwarder/keysPrefix for AWS Secrets Manager keys
CollectorsCacheTtlSecondsString300TTL for the collector cache in seconds
RouteAllLogsStringtrueRoute all AWS logs to the Lambda function

Optional Features

DeployDemoStringtrueDeploy the demo application
DemoExporterProtocolStringhttp/protobufProtocol for demo exporter
DemoExporterCompressionStringgzipCompression for demo exporter
DeployBenchmarkStringfalseDeploy the benchmark stack

The Lambda function uses arm64 architecture and is configured with 128MB memory by default. These settings are optimized for cost and performance.

Application Configuration

To use the Serverless OTLP Forwarder with your applications, you need to configure two components:

  1. OpenTelemetry SDK Integration: Integrate the OpenTelemetry SDK for your programming language and configure it to write telemetry data to stdout. To do so, you should use our language-specific packages and follow the corresponding guide to instrument your application:
  1. Environment Variables: Configure your Lambda function with the following environment variables:
    OTEL_SERVICE_NAME: my-service-name

The OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT configuration is not required in your instrumented Lambda functions. The forwarder will automatically determine the endpoint based on its own configuration.

Environment Variables Reference

Most of the OTEL environment variables are supported as usual in the OpenTelemetry SDK, but to the very least you should explicitly set the following:

OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOLProtocol for OTLP data (http/protobuf or http/json)http/protobuf
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_COMPRESSIONCompression type (gzip or none)gzip
OTEL_SERVICE_NAMEName of your service for telemetry identification-

Do not set OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS in your instrumented Lambda functions. Authentication headers should be configured in the forwarder itself as secrets on AWS Secrets Manager.

Collector Configuration

The forwarder uses AWS Secrets Manager to store collector endpoints and authentication details. By default, it looks for secrets under the prefix specified by CollectorsSecretsKeyPrefix (default: serverless-otlp-forwarder/keys).

Secret Structure

Each collector configuration requires a secret with the following structure:

  "name": "my-collector",
  "endpoint": "",
  "auth": "x-api-key=your-api-key",
  "exclude": "^/aws/lambda/excluded-function-.*$"

Configuration fields:

  • name: A friendly name for the collector (e.g., selfhosted, honeycomb, datadog)
  • endpoint: The OTLP collector endpoint URL
  • auth: Authentication header or method (x-api-key=your-key, sigv4, iam, none)
  • exclude: Optional regex pattern to exclude specific log groups from being forwarded to this collector

The exclude parameter allows you to filter out specific log groups from being forwarded to a particular collector. This is useful when you want to send different telemetry data to different collectors. The pattern is matched against the full log group name.

Example using AWS CLI with exclusion pattern:

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
  --name "serverless-otlp-forwarder/keys/default" \
  --secret-string '{
    "name": "honeycomb",
    "endpoint": "",
    "auth": "x-api-key=your-honeycomb-key",
    "exclude": "^/aws/lambda/internal-.*$"

Multiple Collectors

The forwarder can send telemetry data to multiple collectors simultaneously. To configure multiple collectors:

  1. Create separate secrets under the same prefix:
    # Additional collector
    aws secretsmanager create-secret \
      --name "serverless-otlp-forwarder/keys/appsignals" \
      --secret-string '{
     "name": "appsignals",
     "endpoint": "",
     "auth": "sigv4"
  2. The forwarder will:
    • Load all collector configurations under the specified prefix
    • Send telemetry data to all configured collectors in parallel
    • Cache configurations based on CollectorsCacheTtlSeconds

The forwarder itself is instrumented and sends its telemetry to the collector defined in the default secret (e.g., serverless-otlp-forwarder/keys/default).

AWS Application Signals

To use AWS Application Signals OTLP endpoint as a destination:

  1. Create a secret with:
    • endpoint: The Application Signals OTLPendpoint for your region (e.g.,
    • auth: Set to sigv4 or iam
  2. The forwarder will:
    • Automatically append /v1/traces to the endpoint
    • Use the Lambda function’s IAM role for authentication
    • Require xray:PutTraceSegments and xray:PutSpansForIndexing permissions

Example configuration:

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
  --name "serverless-otlp-forwarder/keys/appsignals" \
  --secret-string '{
    "name": "appsignals",
    "endpoint": "",
    "auth": "sigv4"

To make Application Signals your default destination, create this configuration as serverless-otlp-forwarder/keys/default.